Category: General Preschool Yoga (3-4 years old)

Preschool Yoga (3-4 years old)

March 17, 2025

Celebrate PARP (Pick a Reading Partner) Mondays in March at Caldwell-Lake George Library with Once Upon a Time Yoga Adventures!

Pre-School Yoga (3-4 yrs old) 2:00-2:30 pm

Welcoming new students: no yoga experience necessary

Early Elementary Yoga (5-10 yrs old) 2:45-3:15


3/3 - We celebrate Dr.Seuss:

Wear your clothes inside out or create wacky hair

3/10 - Bring a stuffie as your yoga and reading partner

3/17 - St. Patrick’s Day: wear green

3/24 - Celebrate spring with wordless books

3/31 - National CRAYON Day: wear your favorite COLOR

Caldwell Lake George Library
336 Canada Street
Lake George, New York 12845
United States

Call Bridget at 518-796-4558 to register!

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