The Nuts & Bolts of Borrowing
There’s a world of information out there.
Your library card can take you.
Here’s how:

Maybe you already have a card? Great! Any SALS member library card is good as gold.
You don’t have a card? Well let’s get one.
You will need a photo ID w/ current local address OR photo ID AND a piece of mail w/ your current local address.
Seasonal residents will need to present proof of ownership (tax bill, bill of sale, deed).
Now that you have a card, here’s what you can get.
BOOKS: All books are loaned for 28 days. New and Popular books CANNOT be renewed. All other books have 2 renewals. Patrons are limited to 50 items at a time. We do not charge fines for overdue materials, but replacement costs will be charged for lost items.
DVDs/VIDEOS: All DVDs and Videos are loaned for 7 days. New and popular DVDs/Videos CANNOT be renewed. All other DVDs/Videos have 2 renewals. Patrons are limited to 5 DVDs OR Videos at a time, only 2 of which may be New and Popular. We do not charge fines for overdue materials, but replacement costs will be charged for lost items.
AUDIOBOOKS/MUSIC CDs: Loan periods and limitations for audio materials are the same as books and count towards the limit of 50 items. We do not charge fines for overdue materials, but replacement costs will be charged for lost items.
MAGAZINES: All magazines are loaned for 28 days and have 2 renewals. Patrons are limited to 5 magazines at a time. We do not charge fines for overdue materials, but replacement costs will be charged for lost items.
MUSEUM PASSES: The library’s membership passes for The Wild Center, Hyde Museum and The World Awareness Children’s Museum are loaned for 7 days. No renewal. We do not charge fines for overdue materials, but replacement costs will be charged for lost items.
As a SALS member library our patrons (yes, you) have access to the holdings of all the other member libraries (57 libraries in total, somewhere around 1.5 million items). If you don’t see it on our shelves, we can usually have it sent here by simply placing a request. Requests can be placed in person, over the phone or via the online catalog and generally take about a week to arrive, at which point you will receive a phone call, email or text letting you know your goodies have arrived.
Requested items are subject to their owners loan periods and renewal limits and these policies vary at every branch. Additionally, each member library decides what is and is not available for request and may deny requests for items in their collection. For example, most branches will not send New and Popular items of any kind until a set time frame has elapsed; others may not send audio-visual materials or periodicals.
Requested items will be held for pickup for no more than 10 days before we must either send them home or to other patrons at other libraries. When picking up requested items you need to have the card associated with that particular request (Jill can still pick up books Jack requested using his card so long as Jill has that card at check out)
Materials on loan from another library may be returned to any SALS member library and are subject to that branches fine structures.
Questions? Requests? Just ask us!
You are responsible for all library materials checked out on your card. Please notify us or any other SALS member library of any change of address or (most importantly) if your card has been lost or stolen. You will be charged the replacement cost of any lost/stolen/damaged items. We do not charge fines for overdue materials.